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Quinoa Feta Salad

V Wu Quinoa Pomegranate Feta Salad 468 WEB

Quinoa Pomegranate & Feta Salad


1 c Quinoa


75g Feta Goat preferably broken into piecse

1 Pomegranate seeds

¼ c Mint leaves chopped

¼ c Parsley chopped

4T sliced toasted almonds

1 x Lemon squeezed


1 x large Orange Kumara peeled and cut into 2cm cubes

Thyme leaves (optional)

Garlic (optional)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Salt & Pepper


Toss kumara through Extra Virgin Olive Oil and thyme and garlic and roast in oven at 190˙c for about 20mins or until golden.


Rinse quinoa under cold water and place in a pot with 2 cups of salted water or veg stock.

Bring to the boil and then simmer for approx. 10-15mins until water is absorbed. Fluff up with a fork. Quinoa should still have a bit of a bite to it but soft.


Add to quinoa herbs, pomegranate seeds, almonds and feta. Squeeze 1 lemon onto it and salt and pepper to taste.


You can serve this warm or cold.