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Roasted Brussel Sprouts

V Wu Roasted Brussell Sprouts 057 WEB



500g Brussel spouts halved washed and dried

2 cloves Garlic chopped

2 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 t Chilli Flakes (optional)

½ Lemon Zest

3 rashers Streaky Bacon chopped into 2cm strips

1/2c Pomegranate Arils

75g Goat Feta crumbed



2T Balsamic vinegar

2T Honey


Salt & Pepper


Heat oven to Bake 220˙c or Fanbake 200˙c

Toss your dry brussel sprouts with extra virgin olive oil, chilli, lemon zest, garlic and salt & pepper.

Line a baking tray with tinfoil for easy cleaning and place brussel sprouts half side down on tray. Make sure there is space between them so they don't bake and go crispy. Overcrowding will make create steam and make you brussel sprouts go soft.


Place bacon strips around them and the lovely bacon fat will add flavour to the brussel sprouts as they cook. Leave to cook without touching.

Bake 15mins or until golden. Watch that the bacon does not burn.


To make the dressing heat up the honey if not liquid and mix with the balsamic vinegar.


In a big bowl mix the cooked brussel sprouts, pomegranate arils, goat feta and toss with the dressing.

Season to taste and serve warm.





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